MEDDIC for Presales - Decision Process
In presales, it's often heard that the Decision Process is solely the responsibility of the sales rep. Nothing to do here. That’s part of the close. I achieved the technical win and created commercial inevitability. The sales rep only has to bring it home. My job is done here. I thought that during my first year as a solution engineer, but it was a big mistake.
With time, I came to realize that I was essentially gambling away my value. I was putting in tremendous effort with the customer just to leave it to a convoluted unfamiliar and invisible process unique to that customer. After all that effort, I give complete control over my sales commission, my incentive, to my sales rep and a corporate process. Not smart.
Of course, your sales rep owns the deal and the sales process, they're the QB. And, I’m sure they’re a first-class seller, successful, and previous President’s Circle winner. However, playing a contributing role in the collection, documentation and validation of that Decision Process will help ensure your efforts go rewarded.
What you may not realize is that your efforts are already a requirement of that Decision Process. The Decision Process, like Decision Criteria, is part of making good purchasing decisions. The purchasing decision will have three parts: the technical validation, business approval and vendor contracting.
Technical Validation
All your demos, workshops, PoCs, and presentations play a role in the technical validation. Procurement is increasingly seen as a compliance function, not just an enabling one. I’ve seen a growing trend toward greater scrutiny by procurement with respect to technical validation. They want to see demonstrated proof-points, outcomes, and success criteria. Knowing well in advance what the customer requires to properly sign-off on technical validation will help improve a timely deal close and better return on your efforts.
Business Approval
But, the presales contribution doesn’t stop there. Presales also influences and contributes to business approval and vendor contracting. Sizing a solution is normally the responsibility of the technical presales expert. Every user, site, instance, and plugin license will require justification. Creating a compelling document rationalizing every line item and relating them back to the customer’s objectives, Metrics, and Identified Pain will make the business approval far more decisive. Companies are not hesitant to invest capital in effective and valuable technologies. They want to know why they are spending that much.
Vendor Contracting
Granted, presales may not directly contribute to vendor contracting. But they can certainly help their sales rep. The entire Decision Process is just that, a process. There are lots of steps: forms to fill in, approvals to attain, language to agree, etc. Chances are your Champion and Economic Buyer are only “familiar” with their internal process. Rightfully so. Their busy running teams and fulfilling responsibilities. Buying new solutions is not something they do every day. The full magnitude of requirements and steps may not be known. Partner with your sales rep. Find every opportunity to assist in collecting, validating, and documenting the Decision Process. In the end, your sales rep will thank you. Your Champion and Economic Buyer will thank you.
The Decision Process should matter to presales. As a component of MEDDIC it certainly matters to your sales rep. Begin to acknowledge the direct impact of your presales efforts on a company's buying decisions. Assist your sales rep. Take it upon yourself to work with your Campion and Economic Buyer to map out the process. When you start making more proactive contributions to the Decision Process, you start to greatly improve your deal’s timely and successful close, not to mention your commissions.
MEDDIC offers a structured approach to identifying and addressing technical and business pain points. Understanding the difference and connecting these pains empowers presales professionals to offer compelling solutions and drive successful sales engagements.
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