Today's MEDDIC Monday will be a concise but critical qualification aspect.
Do you know the #1 influence on a sales rep's ability to be diligent about qualification?
I once worked with a sales leader who always used the term "Pipeline Saves Lives." It is true. There is a direct correlation between the health of a pipeline and the health of how qualified a deal is. When the pipeline is healthy, qualification quality gets turned up. When the pipeline is full, you must start picking and choosing the deals you will spend your time and resources on; when your pipeline is sick, you end up working unqualified opportunities because you have little to no opportunities.
People with unhealthy pipelines often avoid asking questions that can disqualify the opportunity. The result is a missing forecast or quota and a search for a new job. As a seller, you have to be able to stand back and realize that unqualified opportunities prevent you from building a healthy pipeline. Your time is your most valuable asset. Can you fight the urge to work unqualified opportunities simply because you don't have a pipeline that is significant enough?